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Whole Leader Profile

Are you seeking personal wholeness and balance, particularly in your work life? We are eager to guide leaders toward lives focused on personal identity, purpose, and stewardship.

Start your journey by taking the Whole Leader Profile




This 39-question Whole Leader Profile is designed to provide you with a multi-dimensional snapshot of your life and well-being by creating a profile that allows you to explore your strengths within three interrelated dimensions of your life – Identity, Purpose, Stewardship.


  • How intentional I am about exploring and deepening whatever living tradition of values and beliefs that I want to guide and sustain my life journey
  • Cultivating an ongoing examination of my life with a commitment to more fully align my choices and actions with my highest aspirations about who I want to be in the world
  • Discovering and living out my personal gifts and life-purposeTwo women in conversation


  • The question of calling or vocation: how to best utilize my strengths and express my core values in responding to the needs of the world around me
  • The kind and quality of support which I provide to others
  • How well these same supports serve the common good


  • How I utilize my resources (strengths, finances, and other resources)
  • How I impact the natural and human communities around me in acquiring and using resources
  • How the use of resources is an expression of my values and calling
  • How to balance my own legitimate needs and aspirations with those of others both now and in the future

Once you complete your profile, our staff will follow up with you regarding next steps to explore your Whole Leader Profile to gain perspective around an issue or growth opportunity in relationship to the Three-Fold Model.